Location Lublin,Poland Facilities
Funding Type Private No of Students
Type HE Institution / College Scholarship
Year of Establishment 1998 Marketing Material

About school

The University College of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin offers high quality education programmes as well as modern and innovative teaching methods. The University College operates on the basis of the permission granted by the Minister of National Education and pursuant to the Higher Education Act of 27 July 2005 (Journal of Laws No. 164, item 1365, as amended) and legal regulations issued in accordance with the Act, as well as on the basis of the College Statute. The University College is supervised by the Founder and the minister competent for higher education, in accordance with the Higher Education Act.

WSPA University College was opened in 1998, launching its first study programme "Company Management" with 415 students admitted to the first year. In the following academic year 1999/2000 the University College had already over 1 400 students. Currently, WSPA University College enrols over 4 000 students at undergraduate and graduate courses and over 1 000 students at postgraduate courses.

The applicant to study at WSPA is obliged to deliver, by registered letter, by a courier service or by hand, a complete set of the following documents:

  • Application form
  • Original or a certified copy of the certificate of secondary education, with a certified translation into Polish/English
  • A nostrification certificate - this document is required when a high school diploma has been issued in the country with which Poland has no bilateral agreement on mutual recognition of education documents, and when the country has signed such agreement with Poland but the said document is not covered by it; or a certificate of equivalency of the foreign high school diploma with the Polish high school diploma must be submitted when the foreign document has been issued in the country with which Poland has signed an agreement on mutual recognition of education documents.
  • A certificate of English language proficiency or any other document confirming the knowledge of English. The requirement does not concern those candidates for whom English is either the native language or was the language of instruction at high school.
  • A certified copy of a foreign passport (the personal data page)
  • A copy of student visa (the original must be available for inspection), or a temporary residence card or any other document entitling the holder to stay in Poland.
  • A medical certificate stating that there are no contraindications against undertaking studies (regarding both the chosen programme and the mode of studies).
  • Three 37x52mm photos
  • A proof of payment of the enrolment fee
  • An enrolment agreement Candidates applying for a graduate program in Sociology shall submit also an original or a certified copy of the undergraduate diploma, with a certified translation into Polish/English.
In addition, within 30 days of admission, the successful applicant has to present an insurance policy against illness or personal accidents for the entire period of study in Poland, or a European Health Insurance Card, or sign an insurance agreement with the National Health Fund. Your tuition fee will cover the cost of your undergraduate studies at the University College of Enterprise and Administration as well as supervision, examinations and graduation. Payment of tuition fee will also entitle you to membership of the Library at the University College of Enterprise and Administration, student research associations and participation in student placements and internships abroad.