Location Cherkasy,Ukraine Facilities
Funding Type Private No of Students
Type University Scholarship
Year of Establishment Marketing Material

The structure of CSTU: Smilyanskyj Industrial-Economic College of CSTU, Scientific- research Institute,Institute for system and information Researches, Post-graduation and Pre-university preparation Center, Center of Culture and Education.

The university has 8 faculties, 46 departments, among them 31 graduate department. At the university study 8 thousand students for 38 specialties and 26 directions of training. The educational process is provided by over 500 scientific and pedagogical workers, among them 54 Professors, Doctors of Sciences, 240 Candidates of Science, Docents, 4 Honoured Workers of Education, 4 Honored Worker of Science and Technique, 2 Honoured Artists of Ukraine. The University has 12 scientific schools which are headed by the leading scientists, postgraduate studies in 13 specialties, employs Specialized Academic.

Council on Candidate’s dissertation defense for three technical specialties and a Specialized Academic Council on thesis work defense for obtaining of a scientific degree of the Doctor of Economic Sciences.

Annually at the University is defended about 5 Doctoral and 50 Candidate’s dissertations.