Location Łódź,Poland Facilities
Funding Type Public No of Students
Type University Scholarship
Year of Establishment Marketing Material

The Medical University of Lodz was inaugurated on October 1, 2002 as a merger of two Medical Schools: the Medical Academy of Lodz and the Military Medical Academy of Lodz by the Act of the Polish Parliament of July 27, 2002. The Medical Academy of Lodz was founded on January 1,1950 by separating from the University of Lodz three faculties: Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical.

The Medical University of Lodz is the largest state-owned medical university in Poland whose mission is: 

  • educating students in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and medicine-allied disciplines; 
  • educating research staff and conducting research work; 
  • conducting postgraduate training of highly qualified health care system staff; 
  • participating in health care programs set by the social health care system.
  • The concept of up-to-date and comprehensive professional training of medical manpower is being improved all the time. The process of education has been focused on preparing specialists for work in various communities and national health care systems. Our educational offer, gradually and consequently modified and widened, has been adjusted to requirements laid down in the resolutions validated by our Government within the European Union co-operation. Following Poland's entry into the European Union on May 1, 2004 the University offers an automatic recognition of the degree for most of the faculties within all 25 countries of the European Union.

    The University employs almost 1,600 research and didactic staff, including over 300 independent researchers, i.e. 170 full professors, 190 assistant and associate professors as well as nearly 900 PhD academics. Our educational programs arouse great interest among both Polish and international students. 

    Currently, over 8,000 Polish students are receiving their education within medical and medicine-related areas at various faculties. Our education offer also comprises advanced studies at the Faculty of Postgraduate Training with over 300 postgraduate students commencing their education each year. Medical teaching in English was initiated in 2003/2004. Presently ca 300 foreign students from various countries (USA, Canada, Taiwan, Sweden, Norway, Great Britain, Spain, Kenia, Nigeria, Zambia) attend medical and dental courses.