Location Odessa Oblast,Ukraine Facilities
Funding Type Private No of Students
Type University Scholarship
Year of Establishment 1900 Marketing Material

Odessa National Medical University is a member of the International and European University Association and Scientific Committee of UNESCO.Material and technical base: 8 faculties, 58 departments, 12 educational buildings, 48 clinical sites, 2 private clinics, 3 of their own research institutes, 13 specialized health centers.

The University has a modern base for the educational, scientific and medical-diagnostic work, which assists in the implementation of the educational process and medical practice of the latest achievements of medical science, in particular endoscopic, transplantology technologies, tissue therapy and others.

In recent years, developed a unique scientific and medical units: the Research Institute of Regenerative and reconstructive Biomedicine, Institute of Clinical Biophysics Research Institute valeology etс. Are operating successfully created in conjunction with the health authorities, medical and diagnostic centers: cardiorheumatology, eye microsurgery, osteosynthesis, endoscopic and laser surgery, child cardiology, toxicology, etc. The construction of a university dental clinic, the first in Ukraine multi-profile university hospital.