Location Singapore,Singapore Facilities
Funding Type Private No of Students
Type Academic Scholarship
Year of Establishment Marketing Material

Kingston International School

At Kingston, we give our students access to an excellent education in one of the world’s most cosmopolitan cities. Our students are provided with a well-rounded education and education pathways to equip them with necessary skills and knowledge.

We adopt innovative, student-centric teaching methodologies that enhance students’ learning experience. Supported by high-caliber staff and education facilities that provide students with a comfortable, conducive learning environment, we nurture our students to realize their full potential.

We strongly believe that education philosophy and teaching pedagogy can accelerate students’ progress in learning and develop them into responsive, committed and high-achieving individuals. This unique opportunity adds a rich and valuable dimension to both young children and adult learners’ education experience.

K : Knowledge-Building
I : Innovation and Imagination
S : Sharing and Support
Care : To provide a supportive learning environment

Believing in “Thinking Otherwise”
Nurturing through motivation