Location Footscray,Australia Facilities
Funding Type Private No of Students
Type HE Institution / College Scholarship
Year of Establishment Marketing Material

TEA (Technical education Australia), is a group of highly motivated professionals, working beyond the imaginations, understands the ever changing future demands of hospitality and business industry.

Our Motive 
TEA is motivated towards providing a successful portfolio for students to start their carrier. Our unique training methods and industry driven practices are our key, which lets us feel proud. We always feel happy to help you out in your personal and academic related matters. In short, we are dedicated to provide the best education in hospitality and business Industry. With the help of our expert trainers, we are providing our students with practice and industry driven experiences.With the help of our equipped classrooms, broadband Internets, spacious classrooms, 

TEA is a proper learning support unit. TEA provides safe, competitive, and Innovative environments to our students to polish their skills so they can start a brilliant and future oriented carrier with our delivered skills.