Location Adelaide ,Australia Facilities
Funding Type Private No of Students
Type HE Institution / College Scholarship
Year of Establishment 1991 Marketing Material

The University of South Australia is a modern and innovative institution that was established in 1991, building on more than 150 years of research, teaching and learning excellence.

We offer more than 400 degree programs in the areas of business, education, arts, social sciences, health sciences, information technology, engineering and the environment. Our inspiring curriculum is designed to produce graduates who are equipped to succeed in their chosen professions. These programs also offer many opportunities to combine study with work experience.

The University of South Australia works closely with SAIBT to provide opportunities for students who might not otherwise be able to study at university, and our goal is to ensure that SAIBT students receive the best possible preparation for university life. SAIBT provides diploma pathways to most University of South Australia undergraduate degree programs, and their success can be seen in the many students who follow this path each year and perform very well when they undertake their university study.

When you commence as a SAIBT student, you will be welcomed as part of the wider University community. You will study at our city campuses with full access to our library, computing and recreational facilities.

I encourage you to explore the wide range of options outlined in this brochure and to consider SAIBT as a pathway to university.

Studying at the University of South Australia means more than earning a great degree to help you embark on a rewarding career. It is also an opportunity to develop enduring friendships and networks, critical and independent thinking, and up-to-the-minute knowledge of your chosen field. Most importantly, you will be part of an educational experience that will thoroughly prepare you for professional and personal success.